Create and share polls effortlessly with Hey, Polls! Making a choice has never been so easy before. Like magic ✨
Hey, let’s see what you can do with this app:
⚑ Create new poll easily, no registration required
⚑ Extensive poll configuration (poll duration, multiple votes, showing and changing poll results + many more to come)
⚑ Extensive profile customisation options
⚑ Light theme? Dark theme? You betcha!
⚑ Live voting updates on poll results page
⚑ Easily check polls you created, or participated via poll history
⚑ Backup and restore your account on multiple devices/browsers
⚑ Web application is available on
Note: Hey, Polls! application is currently in experimental phase, and it works only for devices which has Chrome ↗v72 installed (Chrome should be set as a default browser in device settings). In case you are curios to use it as a web version, please check ✌️